Buddy Rich Chronology

Buddy Rich Interview from 1977 with Modern drummer

An interview with Buddy Rich and Gene Krupa.

Buddy rich's drum kit setup

An Article on Buddy Rich.

Another article on Buddy Rich.

Qoutes by other famous drummers on Buddy Rich.

Personal sories about Buddy Rich from Buddy Rich fans.

Buddy Rich message board, discussion.

Buddy Rich pictures and photos.

Buddy Rich  cd's, books, videos, dvd's.

The largest online drum shop with a massive stock.

Links to Buddy Rich sites and other drumming links.

View the Buddy Rich  guestbook.

Sign the Buddy Rich guestbook

Buddy Rich

The Unofficial Buddy Rich Website.

  The World's Largest Music Gear Company


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Classic Jazz Drummers: Swing and Beyond



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His Legendary '47-'48 Orchestra



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The Torment of Buddy Rich : A Biography



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Buddy with Frank Sinatra

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